11 March, 2011

My Maidys

A few of you might know what a struggle the BM dresses have been for me!  I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my lovely (talented, intelligent, awesome, laid-back) maidys for sticking by me through my indecision!  All of you remember how fast I found my dress!  I'll tell you the BM garb was infinitely more difficult for your's truly!  First, I told them I was looking for something blue (to go with the Boulevard venue).  Then I told them black with colorful shoes.  Then I told them I didn't know.  And then black again.  And then FINALLY I ran into the best idea for bridesmaids ever!

The Mismatched Maid look!

Not long after I started wedding planning--and Maidy dress exploring in particular--I became disenchanted with the flood of creepy BM images.  Rows of presumably, unique, special women shoved into matching dresses in horrible hues, often regardless of dress fit, and flattery cast (far) aside!  Given, brides and the industry have gone a long way!  Several bridal salons now carry lines of dresses so brides can choose a color and her Maidys can pick their silhouette.  But the  Mismatched look resonated with me immediately.  I hate it when things are too matchy-matchy anyway.  You guys already know that I have a rather large wedding palette.  Why not highlight it? I told them whatever dress they want.  I gave them half the color wheel to choose from.  I hope they go nuts and love what they're wearing.

So I recently entered an online contest through Weddington Way to win Bridesmaids dresses!  This place has a truly fabulous selection of dresses that you'll actually wear again with some really cool online tools.  They let you 'shop' for dresses and save them to your favorites in whichever color you choose.  Then you can put them in a 'dress line-up' to see how they'll actually look next to each other!  Snazzy, huh?  Well, I guess to promote this new feature they're giving away $5,000 of BM dresses in a contest.  All you have to do to enter is use their new tool and upload your Bridesmaid dress line-up.

Here is the board that I made on Weddington!  I made it with my particular Maidy's in mind, too! (and no, there's still only four of you... it just had to be five people/I don't know how Kalie (hey girl!) will lean towards yet!

From left to right!:

1) Something cute I can see Kalie in... although more pastel and less tangerine, more likely!
2) A good foundation for something Nas might wear!  I think you'll like the details at the dress hem.
3) For Ariel, undoubtedly!
4) Andreya,  I think it reflects your cutesy Retro tendencies!  And you told me you were thinking of pink, anyhow.
5) Something SUPER cute I can see Kalie in--plus her rad tattoos would show on her back!

And look-out!  I'll be giving you each jewelry to wear on the day!  So be sure and give me your specs as soon as you get them AND if you have a strong preference for earrings, a bracelet, or a necklace.


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