02 March, 2011

Digging for gold

I feel like I have oodles to report after my fun wedding-related afternoon yesterday!  I set out for my second dress alteration/fitting appointment wicked early, per usual (damn you weird bus line 3 schedule!).  Grabbed a paper, coffee, saw a traffic accident--gave my statement to the police.  Yeah, only a little out of the norm!

Well, with almost 45 minutes to burn I decided it was time--I was going to go on my first long-planned-for search for vintagey treasure goodness.  I know they say that fashion very rarely evolves, mostly it recycles.  I've never felt they were so right about that until yesterday!  I asked the owner if I could take pictures, but that didn't go down so well.  Instead, I settled for raiding the $5 bin for a good half an hour.  So many shiny things!  And a lot of them are, somewhat miraculously back in vogue!  It was funny to me, holding a pair of large rhinestone clip-ons, that I simultaneously thought "Grandma would wear these" and "These would great for my rehearsal dinner!"  Is anyone else getting this grandma-love in their vintage search?  I kinda like it!

The first thing I really fell in love with are the plethora of creative post-style earrings.  Danglie-style earrings have been my repartois for a long time: I make my own, buy quite a few, find lots, scavenge lots, and am gifted way-too-many.  Until recently, post earrings held little allure to yours truly.  But you can't crack open any remotely style, decor, or fashion-related 'zine these days without tripping over about a dozen pairs in the table of contents.  Well ladies, word to the wise--don't go rushing online to scour the nets for the cutest pair.  Just pop into your nearest pawn shop or antique store to find a vintage bargain!  I snagged a pair that will surely make an appearance at the nuptials.

I'll save my dress news for tomorrow--but do feel free to get excited!  It's coming along nicely!


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