15 February, 2011

Yes, quite

Since falling off the "recently-engaged" section of Cloud Nine, things have been for the first time--going quite swimmingly in the wedding planning department!

 *A wedding palette has been formed.  Is it weird to anyone else how often one is questioned about one's "colors"?  Not to mock anyone in particular, it just seems like the strangest question!  The first thing I want to know about weddings must differ wildly from the norm.  But hey--I've never been to an open bar I didn't love.  And oh yeah (and brace yourself, Martha Stewart) it's coral, tangerine, cherry, butter and all manners of green.  But I do gesture defiantly when I say--anything I like will be included regardless of it's color.  Palette be damned.

*We're negotiating with the caterer.  I'm currently working with Kasey, head chef from g2 Gallery to make a scrumptdiddlyumptious reception menu for you guys!  I'll sit on the details for now--but trust me, you're gonna love it!  Especially the dessert we have planned!

*I'm seemingly collecting band kits.  But we should have someone soon!  I'm aiming for anyone who can play Hugo, The White Stripes, and Black Keys without sounding like they're selling out.  If you can help you'll be rewarded handsomely.

*The drink poll is up.  I need to know what you guys want to drink!  And back off, the Bud Light is for my Grandma (and it's cute that you think I'm kidding).

*I continue to obsess over shoes.  Nothing else really needs to be said.

Oh, and one more thing!  I even hesitate to mention it (because it could get so wildly out of hand) but could some of my homies in Missouri kindly keep some stuff to "upcycle" into wedding decorations?  I'd love to save money on shipping.  What I'm looking for are aluminum cans (no tiny ones, especially large ones), glass jars (of all persuasions, but especially mason jars).  When you have ten of one category--DO STOP COLLECTING.  The last thing I want is to inconvenience anyone!

And I'm literally dying to use a canoe in photo shoots.  If anyone knows of one we can kindly borrow for the weekend--please report!  It would only be used for photos...


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